We're on the lookout for enthusiastic and dedicated community members to become Moderators for our official groups. Being a successful Official Moderator is the first step to achieving Ambassador status within the REPUBLIK ecosystem. As a REPUBLIK Moderator, you will be at the forefront of our rapidly growing web3.0 communities.

Your responsibilities consist of:

📣 Representing REPUBLIK
Our Moderators do not just help in our mission - they adopt it as their own. Moderators share important updates and announcements, while spreading the word about REPUBLIK and building their communities within the REPUBLIK ecosystem.

🫱🏼‍🫲🏿 Empowering and Educating
Our commitment to knowledge-sharing and innovation is what brought REPUBLIK to life. Our Moderators will engage with our vibrant community by fostering meaningful discussions, answering questions and providing valuable insights professionally.

🛡️ Protecting and Guiding
 REPUBLIK Moderators should be wise team players that react well to pressure and differences with others. They are firm in upholding community guidelines, but remain flexible in providing support and guidance to newcomers. All members deserve to be in a safe and inclusive environment.

🌎 Shaping the Future

REPUBLIK highly values the sense of belonging and support within our community. REPUBLIK Moderators are pillars of this family, and will collaborate with our team to develop and enhance community initiatives.

  • You are required to have a business level proficiency in English and at least 1 other native language (written and spoken).

  • Due to the high volume of applications, we will only reach out to shortlisted candidates through REPUBLIK's in-app direct messaging for the next steps.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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REPUBLIK Username *
Telegram Username *
Email Address *
Please provide your X (Twitter) and Instagram Username. (example: X@republik_gg) *
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